



所有的学生 有梦想、渴望和茁壮成长的权利吗. 我们设想每个学生都具备知识,技能, & 设定有意义目标的信念, 探索不同的途径, 并在塑造自己的事业和未来方面发挥作用.  We are incorporating the Science of Hope as a key to the process of 高中和超越计划ning which acts as a catalyst that propels our students towards their future.  

希望是我们可以传授的东西. 这不是一种感觉.  Hope is the vehicle we use to inspire, nurture resilience, overcome obstacles.  And instruct students in how to make informed decisions and long-term plans.  We believe that the 高中和超越计划 is about more than just picking courses.  这是一条通往未来的道路, a plan for their journey and belief that they have the agency and willpower to make it happen.  希望不仅仅是一厢情愿. Science tells us that it is the most predictive indicator of well-being in a person’s life. 希望是可以衡量的. 它改变了生活. 希望是一种 认知过程和心理力量 (赫尔曼) & Gwinn, 2019)它需要途径和机构.  

《安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行》不是一张清单,也不是一张工作表. 这是一个学生学习如何设定目标的过程, 解决问题, 制定长期计划, evaluate post-high school costs and how to make informed decisions for selecting a program that supports their career goals. Students are encouraged to change their goals and plans as they move towards graduation to include new interests and knowledge. This in combination with the Annual 高中 Financial Aid Day support students creating a wholistic future plan and life long skills.


  • 决策
  • 解决问题
  • 目标设定
  • 弹性和能动性
  • 职业生涯准备课程规划和简历
  • 大学准备课程计划和简历
  • 确定职业适合度
  • 确定高中后项目的适合度


Grade 课标题 Objective
6探索自驾游国家 Students learn about career pathways of interest from people in the field. They reflect upon how these interviews affect their post-secondary goals or other thematic elements.
6精打细算学生学习基本的金融知识词汇, 练习制定一个包括储蓄和开支的预算.
Students learn about Holland based personality types and how their various interests connect to career options. Students explore careers and consider how their interests might help them identify career goals.
7财政援助词汇 & 学术搜索Students learn that they can collect scholarships at any age so that they have many scholarships when they reach 12th grade, how to search for 奖学金 in Naviance using the scholarship search tool, 学习财政援助词汇.
8课程计划Students learn about graduation requirements and how to plan courses that will help them reach the goal of graduation.
8谁吃了我的薪水Students learn to read a paystub and basic payroll related concepts and vocabulary as well as possible future job earning based on workforce demand.
9如何反弹:优势探索者Students gain understanding of their personal strengths and how they can be used to accomplish their goals and explore careers related to their strengths, 以及他们如何在遇到挑战时发挥自己的优势.
9正规的棋牌平台排行榜要求 & 课程计划学生了解学徒的入学要求, 2 and 4 year colleges and how to plan to include those requirements in their course taking. 学生评估以前的课程和职业目标.
10做一个决定,做一个计划Students Learn about goal setting and making intentional plans to reach their goals.
10 制作简历Students learn the basic components of a resume and the various reasons they will need them. Students create a basic resume they can use for job searches, scholarships or for other applications.
11SuperMatch:明智的决策学生学习加权决策, identifying their values and priorities and how to use those pieces as factors to evaluate colleges to determine if the college has what they need, 以及最喜欢的大学. 然后,学生们讨论如何将这一过程用于其他决策, 比如买车, 职业选择, 以及其他高中后的项目规划.
11我的生活,我的决定:评估高中毕业后的成本Students learn about compound interest and compare the overall post-high school costs to salary for their stated career goals. Students are prompted to examine how these costs might impact their cost of living and other goals, 比如旅行, 购车等. Students are encourage to share their discovery with their families to help make informed decisions about their after high school plans. Teachers are encouraged to watch Borrowed Future with students after the lesson.
11Resume & 应用程序准备Students update their resumes and learn how resumes and applications are similar. Students learn about the various post-high school applications timelines in preparation for senior year.
12Optional: Add at least two colleges or other applicable activities to application listStudents review after high school application and transcript request process. 学生讨论和探索高等教育的选择.
12完成高级离职调查学生们评价他们的学校经历, complete the SPS Graduation Survey and write thank you notes to people who have supported them. 它提供了所有学生都有高等教育计划的证据.
Families can read the answers to students survey questions through your parent account!


  • Help your student identify what matters most to them in a career and define which careers with help them reach those goals, then begin searching for programs and colleges that will help them reach their career goal.
    • Many colleges also have tools to help you identify which majors align to career goals.
  • Discuss your students survey answers and the 高中和超越计划 lessons with them.
  • Try using internet search tools to find answers to questions you may have from sources you trust.
  • 收集导师的推荐信, 实习主管, coaches and others who know them well for scholarships and post-high school applications. 保留副本以供各种应用程序使用.
  • 使用通用或联合网站讨论利弊
    • 数据挖掘和出售您的信息给第三方
    • 一站式应用采购
    • 不太具体的大学要求, may require more essays or recommendations that applying directly to the college.
    • May offer free application fees to encourage more students to apply during certain times of year
    • Request school staff to provide information not required directly from colleges and time with data entry
  • Discuss the 5 ways you can pay for post-high school programs and your values on career, college, 学徒制和成本, 以及如何省钱.
    • 奖学金
    • Grants
    • Saving
    • Loans
    • Work
  • 省钱之道
    • 住在家里, 不付餐费, 兼职工作, compare college costs and career placement and entry level salary and wages.
    • 探索成本更低的替代方案——学徒制, Trades, 认证和劳动力趋势